Frequently Asked Questions

Please see our frequently asked questions. If you still have more questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

How old do I have to be to start?
Do I need to have a Learner's Permit before I schedule my drives?
How do I schedule my drives?
Do I have to go to a Service Oklahoma Testing Station to get my Learners Permit?
Do I have to go to Service Oklahoma to take my driving test and get my Driver License?
What is an Intermediate Driver License?
Do I need to complete the “Work Zone Safe” online course before I can get my Intermediate Driver License?
What is a RealID and do I need to get one?
Do I complete the 10-hour classroom instruction in one day?
Do I complete the 6 hours of behind-the-wheel drive instruction in one day?

Have any questions? Call us today.

(405) 467-9070